Learning Hub

Year 2

Spring term


In Spring 1, we read the story of The Bear and the Piano. The children have made predictions about what they thought might happen next in the story, described the main character's feelings at different parts of story, and ordered the events in preparation for retelling the story. There is so much rich language in this book and the children have used some of the phrases from the book in their own writing.

In Spring 2, the children focused their writing around the story of Rosie Revere: Engineer. During this unit, the children have designed and built bridges, described inventions using interesting noun phrases and created explanation booklets giving information about their own wacky inventions!



In Spring 1, the children learnt about 2D and 3D shapes. The children have learnt about the different properties of shapes, how to sort shapes based on their properties, and how to draw 2D shapes on a grid using a ruler. Following this unit, the children will move onto Money, where they will learn the value of the different coins and notes, how to make different amounts, and how to work out 'change' given.

In Spring 2, the children have been learning to multiply and divide. They have used concrete resources, like cubes, teddies and dienes, to practically group and share. They have learnt to use the times and divide symbols and how they are inverse operations. Once confident with these concepts, the children have applied their knowledge to complex reasoning problems.


This term, the children are learning about Kenya. They will learn to locate Kenya on a world map, as well as discussing its human and physical features, and how these compare to those of the UK. They will find out about the traditions of the Maasai Tribe, the animals found in Kenya's national parks and even get a chance to cook a traditional East African dish!


This term's history unit has focused on Women Who Changed the World. The children have learnt about women through history who made a difference to society, including Rosa Parks, Malala, Florence Nightingale and Emmeline Pankhurst. They explored the stories of these women by carrying out research, participating in role play and looking at different sources. They considered how these women had had a lasting impact of areas of life and why it is important that they are remembered for their achievements today.



This term the children have been developing their painting skills in Art. They have studied the work of artists, such as American portrait artist, Amy Sherald. They have experimented with different types of paint - acryllic, poster and watercolour - and found what their advantages and disadvantages are. They have discussed the primary and secondary colours and experimented with mixing colours to create different shades etc. 



The children are learning about Plants. In this unit, they will have experience of growing plants in the classroom, carrying out simple experiments to find out what plants need to grow and where they grow best. They will explore the life cycle of a plant and learn about the functions of each part of a plant (leaves, stem, flower etc).


This term, the children have been learning the importance of effective data collection and considered the benefits of different data collection methods, e.g. why, for example, we would use a pictogram to display the data. They have been collecting data to create a tally chart and used this to make pictograms on a computer.




This term, we have been reading the story of Pig the Pug. This story has provided us with so many writing opportunities, including writing character descriptions, retelling the story using story language and even creating our own versions of the story. We have been using lots of exciting adjectives to make our writing interesting, and have been working on using conjunctions to extend our sentences. A big focus this term has been on saying our sentences before we start writing, consistently using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops, and then reading our work back afterwards to check it.



This term, we are focusing on Place Value followed by Addition and Subtraction. We have been using lots of concrete resources, like counters, ten frames, part whole models and base 10 to represent numbers to 100 in many different ways. We have learnt strategies for finding multiple ways of partitioning 2-digit numbers and shown this using resources and number sentences. In each lesson, we are encouraged to give reasons as to how we know an answer in order to prove or deepen our understanding. Every week we have been practising our times tables too!




This term, we have been learning about digital photography. We have used cameras and tablets to take photos, discussed when to use portrait or landscape, and identified what makes a good photograph (e.g. lighting, focus, framing and effects).



This term our geography topic is Pirates; a fun and engaging topic to gain a better understanding of the UK, the wider world and its surrounding seas. They will begin the unit with a discovery – a message in a bottle! Following this mysterious message, the children will set out on a journey from the UK (Dover), travelling across seas and continents to find some treasure. The children will learn about the UK, its four countries and surrounding oceans and the world’s seven continents and five oceans, they will create a simple treasure map and use simple compass directions and directional language to describe the location of the continents and oceans and the treasure.


Our focus in science this term is Animals Including Humans, where the children have looked at what animals need to survive, what happens as we grow, the life cycles of different animals and what a healthy diet looks like. The children went on a trip to London Zoo to support their learning and had a great day seeing so many amazing animals!


This term, the children have been developing their drawing skills, using different media and creating different patterns and tones. In our artist study, the children looked at the work of Keith Haring and used his work to inspire their own artwork.



Autumn 1

We have been talking about what it means to be healthy. We've learnt about the importance of regular exercise, a balanced diet and emotional wellbeing for being healthy. We've had opportunities to share our experiences, thoughts and feelings with each other, as well as to listen to one another.

Autumn 2

This term, we have been learning how to keep ourselves and each other safe and healthy. Our learning has included when first aid should be administered and by who; how and when to call emergency services; and which household products are safe for us to use. 

Summer term



At the start of the term, the children focused their learning on the books, Ada Twist: Scientist, and Rosie Revere: Engineer, where they sequenced events of the stories and went on to write a newspaper report about the chaos Ada had created in her classroom! Following on from this, the children read the story of The Journey Home. While exploring this text, the children learnt about using inverted commas for speech, wrote a letter to a scientist at the Natural History Museum, and created a poster using different sentence types.



The children have been learning about different units of measure. They have been using rulers and metre sticks to measure length in centimetres and metres, they have learnt to measure mass in grams and kilograms using scales, and measured volume and capacity in millilitres and litres using measuring jugs. They have compared and ordered different measurements across these areas and talked about the appropriate units for measuring different things.

They have also taken part in problem-solving challenges throughout the term, working with a partner to complete open-ended problems. These tasks have required the children to communicate their ideas using key mathematical vocabulary, to show resilience when things don't work, and apply what they have learnt in their lessons to new situations.



This term, the children have been learning about transport through history. They have explored how forms of transport have developed over time, and went on to think about how transportation could be further improved for the future. Within this unit, the children have created time lines, engaged in debate and discussion, and designed vehicles for the future.


This term, the children are learning about plants. They went on a trip to Kew Gardens to support their learning and give them the chance to see a variety of plants growing in different conditions. The children have carried out a number of experiments to find out where plants grow best in the classroom, how water is transported through a plant and also to observe how they grow. They have learnt key scientific vocabulary, including names of parts of a flowering plant, and the stages of a plant's life cycle.



In DT, the children have been working to design and make their own moving vehicles. They learnt about key terminology, e.g. 'axles' and 'chassis', and discussed how these ensure that the wheels will turn when the vehicle is pushed. Firstly, the children were given the opportunity to explore the materials available to them and decide what would work best for their design. Once they had designed and made their inventions, they tested how well they moved when pushed. They evaluated them based on whether the wheels turned and how secure their chassis was.



The children have been learning about programming. They have been using Scratch to create their own sprite and background, as well as creating their own short animation by building a sequence of action blocks. They have discussed how they can modify their sequences and evaluated their own and others' work.



This term the children have been focusing on Living in the Wider World. They have explored ways to stay safe in the sun, how to be healthy and learnt about where our food comes from, as well as the meaning of Fairtrade. They have had rich circle-time discussions, made informative posters and carried out research by looking at different sources of information.



This term, Year 2's geography topic is Continents and Oceans. To support them in their learning, the children came to school dressed as pirates for Pirate Day and imagined that they were pirates traveling around the globe in search of treasure! They took part in lots of fun activities throughout the day, including reading maps, using compass points to follow a route, beating the clock in a geography Kahoot quiz, and even traveling around the school on a treasure hunt!



This term, our history topic is the Great Fire of London. Our big question this term is: ‘To what extent the Great Fire of London changed London.’ To answer this question, we have been learning about what London was like in the 17th century as well as the key events and significant people connected to the Great Fire. We have ordered events on a timeline, compared sources and even created our own news report!



Autumn 1

We are currently learning about Animals Including Humans in Science. We have been learning about animals and their offspring, what happens as animals grow, the life cycle of different animals, and what animals need to survive and be healthy. 

Autumn 2

This term, we are learning all about Materials. We have found the properties of different materials, and sorted objects based on these properties. We are also carrying out experiments to test these properties, creating hypothesis and recording our findings. 


Following this, we read The Great Fire of London by Emma Adams. We have used this book to write comparisons between London in 1666 and London today; letters of advice; and diary entries retelling the events. Our focus this term has been using exciting adjectives and writing in the past tense.

We have also been focusing on addition and subtraction with numbers up to 100. We have learnt how fact families and number bonds to 100 can help us to work out number problems more efficiently! We have been using base 10, place value charts, 100 squares, and number lines to support us in our lessons. We continue to be encouraged to give our reasoning for answers in order to deepen our understanding. 

Following this, our focus was on 'IT all around us'. We are learning how different life could be at school without IT and thinking of different ways we use technology to help us everyday. We are becoming more familiar with the different components of a computer, developing keyboard and mouse skills, and also starting to consider how to use technology responsibly.



Autumn 1

This term in RE, we are learning about the Creation Stories of different religions. We have learnt what people of different religions believe and have sequenced the key events of these stories to show our understanding.

Autumn 2

This term, we are learning about the holy books of different religions. We have been discussing what makes each book special to that religion, and the similarities and differences between them.