Learning Hub
Autumn 1
welcome to Reception
We have had an exciting start to the new school year in Reception. We have been learning our school rules which help keep us all happy and safe. These can be seen in our classroom and the children are learning the rhyme and actions to help them remember.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development / Literacy
The children have enjoyed exploring their new learning environment, getting to know each other and forming new friendships. We have started our topic ‘My story, our world’ and have been talking about ourselves and our families. We made self-portraits and drew pictures of our families.
This term in maths, our children have enjoyed a variety of engaging activities. They have sung number songs up to 5 and practiced comparing amounts using "more" and "less." The children explored sorting and matching, as well as hands-on comparisons of size, mass and capacity. They also delved into AB patterns to enhance their understanding of sequences. It’s been a fun and enriching term of discovery in maths!
Wow! Look at us practicing our own names! This term, the children have also been enthusiastically learning to recognise and write their names.
understanding the world
Culture and diversity day
We were lucky enough to have our Parents and Special people to us come in and talk about their cultures with us. We came dressed in our cultural clothing and tasted food from around the world.
Expressive Arts and Design
The children have loved joining in with our music sessions the term. We have been learning how to listen carefully, follow instructions and stop and start in time with each other. Look at how much fun we have been having...