Learning Hub

Year 3 & 4

Welcome to the year 3 and 4 page. We will share examples of the work we have been doing in different subject areas across the year.

Spring 1


In English this half term, we have been focusing on The Story of Tutankhamun, a non-fiction text written by Patricia Cleveland-Peck. We explored the history of Tutankhamun and wrote non-fiction reports about Ancient Egypt. We then learnt about Howard Carter, the man who discovered Tutankhamun's tomb, and learnt about the stories and legends surrounding the discovery. We ended the half term writing a biography about Howard Carter.


This half term, we have continued learning about multiplication and division. We have used a variety of resources and tried different methods to solve problems. We then moved onto learning about length and perimeter. We used different objects to measure and worked on converting between different units of measurement.




This half term, our topic focus was history, and we began learning all about Ancient Egypt! We focused on Ancient Egyptian society, studying how they lived on a daily basis, their beliefs, and different societal roles. We looked at the River Nile, and investigated why Egypt has been referred to as "the gift of the River Nile". We looked at how life in Ancient Egypt mostly thrived around the river and why this was.


This half term in RE, we focused on Sikhism. We looked at the 5 Ks and the mool mantar, and then created our own mantra!


Year 3 had an indoor session in Gymnastics where we created our own routines, and outdoors, both year 3 and 4 learnt about hockey, focusing on how to control a ball and working towards playing a full game.



This half term, we looked at our place within our immediate and wider curriculum. We looked at rules and laws, and councillors and their roles within the community. 



This half term, we focused on Light and Dark. We learnt about what light is and that dark is an absence of light. We learnt about shadows and how they are formed when a light source is blocked by a solid object. We worked scientifically to carry out investigations involving light and shadows. We asked questions, recorded data, and discussed conclusions based on what we discovered.


This half term, our topic was "Los Instrumentos", musical instruments for year 3, and for year 4, we looked at Ancient Britain.



This half term, we continued to work with Duncan, developing our singing, composition and performance skills.



Our topic this half term was programming. Using scratch, we learnt how to create different programs, including a drawing program, where we created a sprite that would draw and follow a user's instructions.

Autumn 2


In English, we have focused on two main texts. At the beginning of the term we read ‘The Tin Forest’ which focused on the protection of our environment, recycling and as well as reusing materials. Then, we read a text related to our ‘Mountains and Volcanoes’ topic, ‘Escape from Pompeii’. We engaged in debates, discussions and drama to develop our oracy skills. We wrote advice letters, setting descriptions as well as character descriptions and continued to develop our writing skills.




This half term we moved onto Multiplication and Division. We used a variety of resources and carried out practical activities to develop our understanding.


Our topic focus this term was ‘Mountains and Volcanoes’. We looked at the formation of mountains and volcanoes all around the world, we also looked what makes them different. In groups, we made models of volcanoes. After looking at the advantages and disadvantages of living near a volcano, we engaged in a debate. We also developed our mapping skills.


We have been learning about Forces and Magnets. This term we have carried out multiple experiments to help us understand how and why both work.


In Computing, we learnt how to create animations. We learnt simple animation techniques and then had a go at our own animation in the form of flipbooks and then digitally. We used iPads and the iMotion app to bring our creations to life.


This term we continued to learn wonderful songs with Duncan. We also had the chance to combine our story telling skills with musical instruments. As it was festive season, we also had a lot fun singing Christmas songs towards the end of the term.


In year 3, we have been learning how to say the names of animals along with the correct determiner. In Year 4, we have been learning how to say vegetables.



We have learnt about collage art, we looked at different techniques that can be used to create collage art. We focused on work by Natasha Chomko and took inspiration from her work to create our own surreal collage pieces. 



In PSHE we have continued to focus on learning about our health, how to lead healthy active lives as well as how to keep safe both online and in real life.


We learnt about the significance of light across different religions and cultures around the world. As part of our learning, we created our own Christingles and decorated Diwali lamps.



In English, we have been reading 2 texts related to our 'Stone Age' topic, 'Stone Age Boy' and 'The First Drawing'. We have already been developing our writing skills, using drama to help us We have also visited the local library to give us a chance to explore and borrow a wider rang of books.


In Maths, we have made a strong start with place value and addition and subtraction. We have been using resources to develop our understanding and have been completing investigations linked to our topic.


Our topic of 'Stone Age to Iron Age' has had a strong History focus. We have been working collaboratively to create posters, pictures of Stone Henge and we have written and presented speeches about Skara Brae.


We have been learning about rocks and soils in our Chemistry lessons this half term. We have had fun designing and carrying out experiments to investigate the different properties of rocks and soils.


In Computing we have been exploring computer networks and understanding how computers are all connected. We did a scavenger hunt around school to find out how the school computer system is connected.


Year 4 have been lucky to have a cricket coach to teach them the main cricket skills. They have also being doing Gymnastics. Year 3 have enjoyed playing games to build up their skills that they can use across all areas of PE.


We have continued to have Duncan teaching us our music this term. We have enjoyed learning new songs as well as putting music to stories about animals.


In RE we have been learning about the Hindu festival of Holi. We looked at good vs evil and how this links to Holi.

Art Week

During Art week, we had a theme called 'Magic Me'. We were focussing on creating self portraits in a variety of different ways.


In Spanish, we have been learning and revising some basic Spanish vocabulary and Spanish phonics in preparation for our various units for the year.


In PSHE we have been learning about Health and well-being with a focus on emotional well-being and mental health.